
Pennine Sailing Club

Membership Principles

Annual membership is from January to December although in practice most members rejoin in March before the start of the season. There are no discounts for joining or renewing part way through the year, except for new members joining later in the season where discounts are available.

Eligibility for age-related discounts such as for veterans or under 16’s is based on their age on January 1st.

Although we don’t have a category for family membership all children under 16 are included in a full adult sailing membership.

Partners of full members are eligible for discounted (associate) membership.

Non-sailors regularly visiting the club, using the bar facilities, or responsible for cadet members, must join as social members.

Cadet sailors under 16 must have at least one parent/guardian who is a sailing or social member and who is responsible for the them while they are at the club.

Club keys and galley credit

Members should login to the membership area on webcollect for purchase of club keys and applying galley credit.

How To Join

All we need is a completed application form and your membership fees.

The table below shows our fees.

Membership Renewal

There are two options for renewing your membership:

We prefer electronic renewals via webcollect as it significantly reduces our administration.

Membership Fees

Membership Category
Full Adult Membership (age 18 - 64)£190
Full Veteran Membership (age 65+) £90
Family Associate (partner aged 18+ of Full Adult or Veteran Member) £90
Family Cadet (sailor under 16 where a parent or legal guardian is a Full Adult or Veteran Member) Free
Family Cadet (sailor under 16 where a parent or legal guardian is a Social Member)£45
Cadet/Student Membership (aged 16-18 or in full time education)£45
Social Membership (non-sailing) £40
RC yachting£40
Berthing Fee (per boat) £30
Winter membership (from November to late April, includes berthing fee, available to non-club members)£35
For all enquires contact: